Thursday, December 30, 2010

Hi, I'm just waiting for a sign.

It's ridiculous, I know to search for a sign. Signs come to you when you're not searching for them. That is why my ipod, which only now has 15 songs, can not give me the sign i need. Or the fact that I randomly chose my lucky number and went to that page on my tumblr and it still gave me no sign. It's ridiculous to seek out signs like this but I am really in desperate need of one. Which is why I'm writing in my blogspot after how many days, months, maybe a year. Because I'm really really confused on what to do. And I really really wish I wasn't ending 2010 with a stupid mistake. And I have faith, I do I do. I really do have faith, God. I have faith that You'll make sure that everything is alright. The first time this happened, you made sure nothing happened. Because I prayed to you. And all the times after that, You made sure it didn't happen. And I functioned on nothing but prayer. But he's getting the plan B pill because he's insecure. And I think it won't hurt. But I really do have faith God. I really do pray that You'll help me through this because I made a stupid mistake. Like you helped me through the rollercoaster. And how you actually caught me in Your arms. If I come out of this completely normal, and things are fine - It's because You take care of me. You save me, God. Like how You helped me find myself. And whatever happens, happens. And I really hope You'll take care of me God. I always believe that You will always catch me in Your arms. I just wanted to write this because I needed a sign, but now I realize that things will be fine. I really did want to thank you God. For taking care of me so much. For taking of this reckless human being You call one of Your children. Please, I just ask that everything be fine so that Majano isn't hurt and my Mom and Abby aren't disappointed. Especially that I don't hurt them from my stupid mistakes.


The girl who sat in gate 3, now sitting on a wooden chair in front of her computer.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sink or Swim / Contendness.

I'm stressed. I've got a lot on my mind. I've been feeling rather incompetent lately. I compare myself a lot to those kids who have been headed towards college since their freshman year. Those kids that have been taking the SATs, and getting good grades, and making their parents proud. But I've had a good life, y'know. I've been through a lot. And I understand this blog is just a teenage girl's incessant complaining, but I gotta let it out somewhere. I've realized something though. That it's a sink or swim world. That regardless of the past, all I've got is today. And I might as well make the best out of today. And I may not be the smartest, prettiest, funniest, most confident girl in the world, but I am happy where I am, y'know? And I may not have a certain goal like becoming a doctor or anything, but I do know what I want my future to look like. I want to travel. Touch the world's wonders with my fingertips. I want to taste food in Italy, dance in Paris, help kids in Sudan, and jump off a cliff in Greece. I want to tell my kids, grandkids, all the adventures I had y'know? I want to be a story teller. Not necessarily a legend, or popular or anything like that. I just want to experience life at its utmost fullest. I want to see first hand all the things we've taken advantage of. All the moments in time that we didn't realize were completely gone. I want to help people.

Whenever I tell people that they always look at me funny. I'm not a person whose confident enough in their dreams to ignore said looks, y'know. I've got a weak heart. I'm naive. But I want to geniunely help people. So my plan is to major in business, get money and give it all away. I'm gonna buy a house for my mom, and a beach house for me and my sister. I just want to be happy in life, and as cliche as that sounds - it's the truth.

After reading these old blogs, and these old letters and such - I realized that I don't want my life to be a sob story. All these things, they're in the past. And I gotta let go in order for me to move forward. This summer, I barely even went to the beach or any other places. I mostly just stayed home and studied. And I'm not completely bummed out like I was the last two summers. I'm cool with it, cos well I had fun. Me and my sister watched movies, we played games, we played boggle, we napped, we watched toy story. I hung out with my sister and mom. My birthday we didn't even do anything. And it was cool yknow? We ran in the rain. My mom actually ran in the rain with us to our car. It was quite hilarious. We laughed. I hung out with my friends. I drank for the first time. I chilled with friends. I laughed with friends. I played skeeball with my boyfriend. Played maplestory with my best friends. Watched movies with SSUSQ. Yknow, it was cool. I didn't need to go on a road trip to have fun. We had fun just chillin at home. And I like that. That now I can be happy with the little moments we have. Because we're content 'cos we moved. We don't need to worry about our dad or anything. And I'm happy. I guess my mom was right.

Moving gave us our piece of mind.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

when is enough - enough?

"we can't seem to get past how are yous,
we're not talking like we used to."

two years, one month, seventeen days. two years. two years. two years. tell me, are we skipping to the married couple stage where we seem tired, unhappy, and bored? tell me are you bored with me? all these mood swings, these random fights i pick with you, these inevitable temper tantrums i throw - so i ask you, can you handle me? yes, you say. yes, i think i can, you say. but i shake my head. no, no, i know you can't. you leave me hanging on this thread, pulling me up only when convenient. i fell in love with you when we didn't talk for three days and i talked to you and you were still there and i was like man she's always gonna be there, you say. please don't take advantage of me, i say. i'll try not to, you say. maybe it's in my imagination, that you only talk to me when convenient. we are both getting busy, and we're both drifting. changing. changing. why do things like to change on me when everythings alright? when everything seems to reach it's peak, something has to change. i miss the old times. the old late night conversations, love/hate relationship, teasing each other, missing each other, saying words we mean but still keeping our guard up selves. why, why. i've already matured. you met me when i was in the process of maturing. have i changed since freshman year? have i? i wonder. you're changing because all this stuff is helping to shape the man you're going to be. but tell me, does that mean that you're not supposed to be with me? maybe this drifting thing is a sign? maybe i'm supposed to help you become the man you'll be and you'll help me become the woman i'll be. maybe we're not supposed to be together. i heard soulmates are just supposed to shape who you are. i don't quite know how to say anything i dont know what to think. my heart aches. for these unknown reason. empty promises. unanswered questions.

where are we going? where. all this time wasted, moping, depressed, just sitting around crying about senseless things. all this time wasted fighting. fighting about nothing. i wish nothing could change into sweet nothings, whispered into your ear like they say in the movies. not everyone could be happy. not everyone gets what they want. why? life is like that.

so tell me, when two people love each other but can't get their shit together, when is enough - enough ?

Sunday, April 11, 2010


I am way too emotionally for my own good. I cried today because i got a virus in the only working computer in the house. I feel like i made another bad impression on majanos family. And i feel bad because i really want them to like me yknow? And i hope we stay together forever but thinking realistically, thats highly unlikely. Being one in a million couples to last a lifetime together is a rather ridiculous thought. Im typing on my ithouch so excus any typos. And excuse the random trailing houghts becaus iv got at least a million and a half things on my mind right now. My eyes are killing me, im on spring break. I loved friday where me and majano just chilled. Well obgiously we got the physical things out of the way frst, then we chilled. I giggled mad much, like a giddy high aschool girl in love. Ever wonder wha being in love really is like? I wondEr if im in love. Thatd be great. I do lovmajano. I do. He gets me on ways i dont get myslf. I sometimes still get jealos of uc kids but its going away alot now. Im content as to where i am, just gotta be content to who i am. Gota find myself. Lost like always. But ive got bigger things to worry bot then honor roll dinners. Ive got stuff like lving life, loving my family, being in love, and finding happiness to worry about. Who kmows maybe ive got all thE answers.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

LOST. LOST. nothing but lost.

i'm so fucking lost. i'm so irritated. Annoyed. I hate myself so much. I hate that I'm a fuck up like my dad. I hate that i'm indecisive like my dad. I hate that every quality i have just reaks of him. & he says that I'm like my mom. I'm not. I'm not emotionally stable. I'm not persistent. I'm not clean. I'm not anything. I am just what I am. A Fuck. Up. I hate myself. Everyone knows what they're going to do when they get out of high school, but I don't. Am I going no where? Am I just following this narrow road to the end of my life? I don't know who I am. I don't know who I want to be. I don't know how to overcome anything. I am a small tiny child in a corner during a thunderstorm. I just want help. But there is no help. Just me. By myself. How do people see the good stuff? All I see are flaws. Stitched together. That's all I am. Why am I lost all the time. Why can't I ever find my way? Nights wasted crying when I could be living. All these stupid, stupid regrets. All these stupid, stupid thoughts. Where am I going? What am I going to do? Nothing. Who am I going to be when I grow up? Nobody. Nobody at all. Because I'm not good at anything, at all. I'm not a good writer. There are a million hundred better writers than me. My sister is even a better writer than me. My sister makes me mom more proud then me. Why does it feel like nobody wants me? Because that's all I am. A screw-up. I never stick to what I want to do. All I'm good at is talking about myself. I'm an egotistical son of a bitch. With low self esteem and no confidence whatsoever. A face in a crowded room. Nothing but a face. Why do I feel so lonely? Lonely. I'm so selfish, aren't I? I have friends. Some people don't even have families. Flaws. Flaws. Flaws.

Just another face in a crowded room. Nothing but a face.

Saturday, February 27, 2010


why am i such a fuck up. i can never do anything right. just for once, i wanna do something right. i gave up doing it for lent. but i ended up doing it today. i hate myself. i hate myself so much. i told my sister a couple weeks ago about the condoms that im hiding for majano. im corrupting her mind. im just one big whole fuck up. i talk too much. i can never do anything right. im not strong willed. i cant do anything. i always end up doing shit that i dont want to. i always end up doing shit that i know is wrong. i know that my mom would be disappointed at me. i know my sister is disappointed at me. i wanna cry. why am i such a fuck up. what's wrong with me? why am i like this. why cant i just be calm and a good person. why. what is wrong with me. God, will he punish me for being like this? He's disappointed at who i am. i need to change. change. change. change. change. for lent. that's it. changing. no cursing, no slacking, no sexual related activities. nothing. nothing nothing. nothing. i need to stop. now.

Monday, February 15, 2010

ramble - 23432118908895364559

haven't rambled in a while. had the longest weekend and i'm tired, so i think i'm going to sleep early tonight. one more day before school. it's almost summer. <3 fucking looking forward to that. ah, but then i gotta make it the best cos i'm going to college soon. well a year and a half. it's crazy to think about. makes you feel rather melancholic about everything, so i won't think about it. i've been slackin' lately. did not do that article for the newspaper that was due on the snow day. woah, first article i haven't done for the newspaper. shame on me. shame shame shame. my sisters snoring away. i just want it to be summer already so i'm already chilling and such. no worries. <3 please, just take me to summer already.

it was valentine's day the other day, well yesterday. i don't really celebrate it but jay's been getting me something since freshman year, and i haven't gotten him anything. the only thing i got him was a card. it was lady and the tramp and it played belle notte when it was opened. but the card itself said, "With you, i just knew." that in itself describes our relationship. <3 oh love. such a silly game we play. & he got me this thing that lights up and shit && he got me another picture frame<3. it's cute. i might see him tommorow, but i'm not sure. he's getting his license soon. s'yeah. i had to tell someone about majano being dumb about not hiding the condoms so i accidentally said it to abby. i hope she forgets, 'cos when majano put them in my pocket and i said wheres my bag, she already knew i was gonna hide them. && like, she felt so bad. she was upset. now i know to keep my mouth shut. i talk to much. i talk too much. i talk too much. even with my mom. so now i know, that some stuff you just shouldn't say. && the problem with me is that i gotta tell people cos i don't wanna be quiet about it. it's not i want to brag, but i dont want to face shit alone again. && idkk. i just have a knack for word vomiting after the whole incident. no more talking ali no more talking. my wrist is killing me. && bubby bit me really hard and i have za cut/bruise on my arm muscle && its killing me. :/ goodnight for now, world.